Forced to fend for himself on the city streets, Billy managed to secure himself a part-time job as a newsboy hawking newspapers within the city while still attending school by keeping his residential and familial situation secret. When Billy recovered his health, he discovered that Ebenezer had fled the city with the inheritance his parents had left for him. Frustrated by his nephew's refusal to steal, Ebenezer eventually kicks him out of the house and onto the streets, where Billy eventually succumbed to hypothermia and starvation and was brought to a hospital. Ebenezer mistreats his nephew and attempts to exploit him for money by trying to get him to steal. In the months that followed, Billy received news of the deaths of his parents and the disappearance of his sister and was sent to live with his uncle, Ebenezer Batson an ill-tempered, greedy man. As Mary Bromfield, the young girl grows up living an idyllic life in a wealthy family but continuously dreams of another family with a brother she has never seen. Upon Theo's return to the United States, his sister, Sarah Primm, learns what her brother had done and has Mary illegally adopted by her employers, Nick and Nora Bromfield.

Escaping the tomb, Theo killed their Egyptian guides and followed Marilyn to their hotel where he killed her and Mary's babysitter, however, as Mary had not seen him kill her mother or 'sitter, Theo refrained from killing the child and instead took her back with him to America. As Clarence sent his wife out of the tomb to get help, Theo stabbed him in the back and left him behind as the tomb collapsed.

Insisting that any treasures found in the tomb belonged to the Cairo Museum, the Batsons attempted to stop him, with Marilyn tearing the necklace in half in the struggle. With Mary remaining at their hotel, Sivana's enforcer, Theo Adam, accompanied the Batsons on the dig, but when Theo discovered a hidden chamber within the tomb and insisted that he and the Batsons investigated it without their guides, Theo was taken over by the spirit of the ancient hero Black Adam and tried to steal a scarab necklace from the tomb. While Mary was allowed to accompany their parents to Egypt, Billy had to remain home in Fawcett City due to his poor school grades. When Billy was ten, his parents were hired to investigate the tomb of Rameses II at Abu Simbel, Egypt, on behalf of industrialist Thaddeus Sivana who wanted the pair to return with reference material to build a replica of the tomb at the city's World's Fair. William Joseph "Billy" Batson and his twin sister, Mary Batson, were born to archaeologists Clarence Charles Batson and Marilyn Batson.